Onyet Apps

Make it simple powerfull.

Lets Start


Onyet Apps is a devoted team of engineers, consultants and designers. We'll help you envision, build, and optimize cutting-edge digital products and solutions.

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Web & Mobile Development

Entrust the development of your web & mobile applications to our team. Using our own tools, we deliver high quality faster.

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Create an appealing design to build a Brand identity to remember. From white label to complete solutions and style guides.

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Internet Of Things

Let us assist you at every stage of application & hardware development: native, lorawan, mqtt or other services.


We create software & Hardware to help startups, SMBs, and enterprises overcome their business challenges.


Point of Sales

Application developed for SMEs and cooperatives, for POS purposes.


Computer Base Test

An open source application for online learning and computer-based tests.


Monitoring Control

Main street lighting system monitoring dashboard application for egrotek.


Web File Directory

An open source application, a simplified version of the web file directory system.

Who Uses Our Services?

See who we've helped solve their business problems and grow them. There are many more that we haven't mentioned besides below.

Our Team

We bring a wealth of skills and experience from a wide range of backgrounds.